Homestead Retreat Update
Homestead/Retreat Update
Homestead, Retreat Center, Eco village, Off grid medicine community….Not sure what this beautiful 5 acers wants to be yet, but we’re working with the land and the (often harsh, high dessert) elements to teach us and lead us in the direction to serve and live self sufficiently.
We have been very busy here, both in and outdoors, digging holes, building fences, putting up insulation, installing a low flow (1 gallon) toilet, which is one of my favorite upgrades, the old one used 5 gallons per flush!! Can you believe that? That much use should be illegal! Anywho, we’ve also finished the permanent solar install and set up with the help of a few friends it was completed in two days. With wind as strong as it is here we had to use very heavy duty iron and lots of concrete. We are still working out some beeping with the inverter, but it’s a new learning process for us, thank you YouTubeUniversity!