Consciousness Revival



A day of soaking up the sun. Hiking in the sacred mountains or mesa’s and spending time in silence and ceremony with ancient songs and teachings.

Delving deeply into ourselves and our spiritual connection. This sacred ceremony is a medicine of strength, transformation, healing and connection.

We will be calling in our spirit guides, animals and ancestors. Letting them reveal themselves and walk strongly with us, guiding us, protecting us and reminding us.

Working with our masculine part of ourselves, our DNA, our driving force, our “doing”. How to walk here on Earth, fully conscious, connected, being able to carry what we do in ceremony, in our daily lives.


  • Pre-retreat phone interview, general health screening, spiritual screening and diet guidelines.

  • Welcoming and orientation to facility and staff.

  • Group meal, intention sharing and evening workshop.

  • Day hike in the Sacred Valley.

  • Group Feast and rest.

  • Personal and group integration.

  • Closing of circle.

  • Hot springs soak, Optional *additional fee.



Accommodations included in the package are basic sleeping arrangements, meals and all activities listed on the program. Hot Springs are optional and an additional $15 per person.

Prepare for your Retreat

Step 1-Intake. Once your commitment is made you will receive an email with further instructions.

Step 2- Preparation. After your paperwork is reviewed we will set up a private phone consultation to discuss instructions and questions in detail.



There are a limited number of spaces available. A deposit of 50% is required to book your reservation. The deposit is non-refundable.

Please know our church does not charge for, or sell any sacred medicines. Donations and payments are for personal screening and intake, prep, integration, food, and basic camping.