Spaced Out Radio Dave Scott and guest Drew Bankey



Listen to Dave Scott and Drew Bankey as they speak the truth about Human Evolution, ET, Near Death Experiences, Sacred Ceremonies and Spiritual Optimization.

Dave Scott is the creator and host of Canada’s ‘Spaced Out Radio’, running Monday through Friday nights at

Spaced Out Radio is an entertaining online radio program and website dedicated to talking about intriguing topics from UFOs, to the paranormal, to Sasquatch, and more! We bring you quality guests with whom you can interact with via email, Twitter, Facebook or by phone. Spaced Out Radio encourages you, the listener, to make this your show. We want to hit your topics of interest. Maybe you've seen ghosts, had psychic intuition, had an out-of-body experience, been contacted by extraterrestrials, wonder about First Nations legends such as Sasquatch or the Little People, we want to hear from you. Your opinion of Spaced Out Radio and our topics and guests are what will make us stand taller than the others. We thank you for making us one of the best and most popular on-line paranormal-supernatural radio show going, but we can't do it without your continued support. So please "like" our page and share it around to people who would be interested in our different type of programming.

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